Bumper stickers

Bumper stickers are fun!

Sometimes, they are silly. Sometimes, they are a bit cheeky.

We here at idida.art have identified a gap in the market (using science and capitalism!)

What if bumper stickers made the people behind you say “huh? Oh. huh.”

I know, it sounds very specific, but I assure you it’s not a half-hearted attempt to thematically link four bumper stickers that are very much not thematically linked!

First of all, we have: “If you can read this… Your eyes are being hit by light particles that previously bounced off this sticker.”

Isn’t that… technically true? Amazing. While adding nothing of benefit to the day of the reader, it still manages to elicit the “huh” response, which our idida.art scientists (who totally exist) strive for.

Our next sticker reads “My other car provides me with a sense of satisfaction that is difficult to describe in words.”

We believe that this is what a lot of bumper stickers of the “my other car” variety are actually attempting to say, but they are hindered by their reluctance to admit an inability to form sentences around the ambiguous feelings produced by their cars.

We have taken a nail, and we have hit it on a head.

Continuing down the “my other car” road, we have “My other car is an abstract concept.”

This was our scientists’ attempt at a funny joke. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if a car could be an abstract concept?

What if a car could be the idea of eudaimonia? It certainly wouldn’t get you from A to B but it would leave you feeling fulfilled!

Ha, ha. Good one, scientists.

Finally, we have “I stop frequently… to question my own assumption and beliefs.”

Our scientists assure us this sticker does not describe the act of stopping a car in the middle of the road whilst the driver checks their own privilege, but is in fact a reflection of a healthy ongoing self reflection on the part of the driver.

And there we have it. Bumper sticker science has been officially completed!